Eligibility Criteria

  • Age Requirement
    • Be 16 years of age or older
    • Be 17 years of age with parental permission
  • Necessary forms in order to schedule and take the official GED exams -Two forms of an official government issued photo ID
    • Acceptable photo ID: State or national identification, driver’s license, passport, or other form of government issued ID (national or foreign)
  • Provide verification of having in the past 24 months:
    • Worked for a minimum of 75 days conducting eligible agricultural work (applicant may qualify under work performed by self or by that of an eligible family member living in the home and contributing to the household income); or
    • Been eligible to participate or have participated in the Migrant Education Program in school; or been eligible to participate or have participated in a Workforce Investment Act Section 167 (WIA 167) program